Leaving The Historical City

Im surprised how leaving the historical city leaves me with not much to miss once I've left. I could have just a handful of things I would miss.

• I would definitely miss the night sky. Somehow, my troubled mind always loved looking at the stars and with utter boringness present at times I would just start counting stars to fall asleep.
• I would miss sitting at the back balcony looking at the sundown sky, trying to make weird shapes, figures and objects with the moving clouds.
• I will without doubt miss the mouth-watering Indonesian, Malay and Indian food over here. I got the Chinese food covered in Ipoh. No worries for that!
• My wacky housemates I will miss. The shit chinaman’s do.
• Not to forget, my internet moments. I’d be so bored, I would find all kinda shit online. Definitely a misser!
• How can I forget the graveyard moments!? Trespassing into burial grounds with risks of getting shot only to get like the best eerie cum balls to the throat and ice cold spine chills feeling ever!!

I think that about sums it. It’s a sad list. Agreed, yet the historical city memories would be buried with me in the grave. Something’s just don’t go away no matter how much you try. The gift of the historical city!

Back On The Blog..

As the title says, it's back. With a promised refurbished blog, although there were many other things i intended to incorporate into the design but the lack in html and css skills crippled the vision. This is a partially completed design. I'm still figuring out the design of the background, although this looks just fine to me, I think its too clean. And the background for the sidebar title. So if anyone have some ideas, do share!

I'm currently on my sem break trying to let something go and start anew. It's sad that men just can't live with a woman neither can they live without em. I suppose Eve was Adam's curse and that's just being passed on!

I try hard to keep a straight head and to let go the past for good this time. And I think the best solution i could give men to let go is to get hooked on endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for that "high" you get when alcohol or drugs are consumed. There are ways for a "natural euphoria" as well. I like to pump iron and push myself while working out as doing so releases endorphins. Of course you don't get "high" but endorphins work it's way to make you feel good about yourself. Every time i think about the past, I would drop and do 50 or more till my hand basically shivers as that honestly helps take my mind away! Many things you could do to achieve euphoria such as eating red hot chillies, having an orgasm(single player doesn't count), and being afraid. I like to break bonds every once in awhile just for the fun of it and go for the alternative. To me, as long as nobody gets hooked, it's all good!

Under Constuction..

Currently very busy with studies. Blog will be refurbished by 2009. Sorry guys. Keep waiting. It'l be worth.

For The Young And Willing.

Politics is not only for the older people. Younger people especially those ranging from 18-23 should have at least some interest in politics and what goes on in that field, especially in their own motherland. The sole reason I say this is because, this is our country and we are the future of the nation. Many teenagers get on with life not knowing that our country is falling and failing, partially and currently because of the U.S economic meltdown but MAINLY and always has been because it is being run by a corrupt government from a corrupt party with corrupt members.

Our country always had the potential, technology, workmanship, courage, will, strength and unity to be a much better country than Singapore will or can ever be. The basic presence of corruption, nepotism and cronyism cause us no be where we are. Every politician that gets an individual or a company a government contract is entitled for under-table money. Minimum tax charges are implied to those who gets the contract thus only a fraction goes to the Government. Millions of projects have worked this way throughout our country especially during TDM’s time. Principe that works in this country is, if there is commission, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Current Malaysian corrupt deal is with the Eurocopter purchase deal. Read more on the articles given below.

Almost all of us were told in school (I know I was) that our country has a very good perception in the international eyes as a country that has unity even with many colours living under one roof and so on. Bullshit!! Australia rates us as stupid, the U.K, Latin America and quite a number of country rates us as a corrupt country headed for the damns!

http://may131969.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/may-13-diary/ (brief history on May 13th occurrence)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_13_Incident ( Another May 13th brief history)

http://sjsandteam.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/many-have-stood-against-mahathir-none-has-prevailed/ ( Mahatir's Slander On Anuar's 1998 sodomy)

http://sjsandteam.wordpress.com/2008/10/13/mahathir-brought-sorrows-to-his-people-but-soros-brought-sorrows-to-mahathir/ (Mahatir's Corruption while He Was Prime Minister)

http://sjsandteam.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/release-raja-petra-and-hindraf-5-and-bring-najib-to-justice/ (Najib has more than enough records to not be PM)

http://sjsandteam.wordpress.com/2008/10/14/398/ (Mahatir-Najib Conspiracy)

A Better Malaysia
http://nizambashir.com/?p=247(Pt 1)
http://asylum60.blogspot.com/2008/09/51-ideas-for-better-malaysia.html (Pt 2) http://malaysianpolitics.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/51-ideas-for-a-better-malaysia-3/ (Pt 3)
http://crankshafted.blogspot.com/2008/09/51-ideas-for-better-malaysia-4.html (Pt 4)
http://theenglishcottage.blogspot.com/2008/09/51-ideas-for-better-malaysia-5_28.html (Pt 5)
http://masterwordsmith-unplugged.blogspot.com/2008/10/51-ideas-for-better-malaysia.html (Pt 6)

http://sjsandteam.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/my-country-malaysia/ (Truly Malaysian Poem)
http://bodohland.wordpress.com/ (Funny Political Images)


“Najib Tun Razak Perdana Menteri Ke 6?

Rasuah hampir satu billion dalam urusan pembelian peralatan pertahanan.
Tuduh isteri pertama Tengku Puteri Zainah gila babi untuk kahwin dengan isteri orang.
Membeli isteri orang untuk dikahwini.
Punyai isteri yang tamak, boros dan queen control umpama Imelda Marcos.
Misteri pembunuhan Altantuya.

http://antinajib.blogspot.com Selamatkan Malaysia!


Asian Underground is a music genre also known as jungle. It’s a composition of certain traditional instruments such as tabla, bansuri, sitar, sarangi, dholak with relaxing beats of the electronic drum. A few years back, drum and bass was slowly implemented into a few singles to be mixed with the sounds of jungle music. Asian Underground divides itself based on country influences as well. Indian, Chinese or any other cultural music influence.

I haven’t really looked around for much of this music genre yet as I’m still busy with my exams but I will once it’s over and I will put it up here. In the mean time, you can go on to Imeem and look for this type of music. Notable artistes are Prem Joshua, Badmarsh & Shri, Deepack Chopra and Nitin Sawhney.

Notable Tracks
Badmarsh & Shri - Sitar Ritual
Biddu Orchestra - Eastern Journey
Deepak Chopra - Oceans Of Ecstacy
Prem Joshua - Funky Guru
Prem Joshua - Namaskar
Prem Joshua - Saroja (Part 2)
Nitin Sawhney - Pieces of Ten
Nitin Sawhney – Voices
Nitin Sawhney - Oceans and Rain


Satisfaction after spending massive time doing something which turns out right is just fantastic. After spending close to four hours sitting on this during my examination period made me look like a fool to myself but I was determined to finish something this week. Heavy detail on the mask took up a lot of time and patience to get right but it turned out good.
Design’s done. Next up, attack the book and the brain with knowledge to survive!


It's only when posting this I started to question what my relationship with this girl was. A phone call solved the mystery. She’s my cousin’s daughter, which makes her my niece.

The shot was totally random. She loves the camera and attention but being 5, I don’t blame her at all.

I used my handheld’s camera so I had to work on fixing the image first.

Only after getting a glimpse at this the next day did I realise that my photoshop abilities are tremendously restricted, stereotyped and minimal. It’s always layer styles, brushes, text and stock photo’s. It’s about time to advance to a higher.

Limiting skills limit my designs!

Rames Studio Blog. He's Malaysian and he's Indian which somehow makes me proud of him. It's very rare to see Indians keen on stuff like this because they are way too caught up in sprouting to be an engineer, a lawyer, a doctor or a gangster.

The contents on his blog are pretty thick so waste your time gazing at his awesome photography. Also check out his Flickr for some jaw dropping photo manipulations.


I personally love to guffaw at people who go out to buy software’s, especially when it’s original and it cost 3 digits. Heck, even a RM10 pirated software you buy from the shop would already get me giggling inside.

I had this college mate who’d come to me whenever there was something wrong with her laptop. The 1st time I got a view on her laptop, I noticed that she had Kaspersky. I wasn’t surprised since everyone uses it but it didn’t occur to me at all if it was original or a pirated version. Only when I got into conversation with her that I got to know it was worth RM300++!! My 1st encounter of someone who actually bought a software. Flabbergasted me just didn’t know how to react which resulted to a deep stare. But the best part of all this is that, she called me down because her Kaspersky was expired.

To those who do get access to this blog, please visit these sites and get your softwares here.

P/s : Always scan the files you download before extracting or installing! I’m not to be blamed if your desktop or lappy gets infected.

WeNeedAChange. ISAForDumps

We are not a third world country anymore thus we do not deserve third world laws to be implied on anyone let it be an average citizen or a politician. Our law system has evolved in time to charge basically anyone in court for their wrongdoings.
Everyone has a right to trial in court! Detention without trial is against the law!
BN is practising cronyism and dictatorship at the same time! Malaysians deserve better leaders!