Back On The Blog..

As the title says, it's back. With a promised refurbished blog, although there were many other things i intended to incorporate into the design but the lack in html and css skills crippled the vision. This is a partially completed design. I'm still figuring out the design of the background, although this looks just fine to me, I think its too clean. And the background for the sidebar title. So if anyone have some ideas, do share!

I'm currently on my sem break trying to let something go and start anew. It's sad that men just can't live with a woman neither can they live without em. I suppose Eve was Adam's curse and that's just being passed on!

I try hard to keep a straight head and to let go the past for good this time. And I think the best solution i could give men to let go is to get hooked on endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for that "high" you get when alcohol or drugs are consumed. There are ways for a "natural euphoria" as well. I like to pump iron and push myself while working out as doing so releases endorphins. Of course you don't get "high" but endorphins work it's way to make you feel good about yourself. Every time i think about the past, I would drop and do 50 or more till my hand basically shivers as that honestly helps take my mind away! Many things you could do to achieve euphoria such as eating red hot chillies, having an orgasm(single player doesn't count), and being afraid. I like to break bonds every once in awhile just for the fun of it and go for the alternative. To me, as long as nobody gets hooked, it's all good!