Leaving The Historical City

Im surprised how leaving the historical city leaves me with not much to miss once I've left. I could have just a handful of things I would miss.

• I would definitely miss the night sky. Somehow, my troubled mind always loved looking at the stars and with utter boringness present at times I would just start counting stars to fall asleep.
• I would miss sitting at the back balcony looking at the sundown sky, trying to make weird shapes, figures and objects with the moving clouds.
• I will without doubt miss the mouth-watering Indonesian, Malay and Indian food over here. I got the Chinese food covered in Ipoh. No worries for that!
• My wacky housemates I will miss. The shit chinaman’s do.
• Not to forget, my internet moments. I’d be so bored, I would find all kinda shit online. Definitely a misser!
• How can I forget the graveyard moments!? Trespassing into burial grounds with risks of getting shot only to get like the best eerie cum balls to the throat and ice cold spine chills feeling ever!!

I think that about sums it. It’s a sad list. Agreed, yet the historical city memories would be buried with me in the grave. Something’s just don’t go away no matter how much you try. The gift of the historical city!